NYU Design projects
This page features a few of my favorite design projects that I have created as a part of my Digital Art and Design minor at NYU!
Digital version of finished book
Scan of my
notes for this project
For this project, the assignment was to create our own book. This included coming up with the actual content, printing it out, and binding it together.
As you can see from my brainstorm notes below, I ended up going in an entirely different direction than I had originally planned. I knew I wanted to produce a project that featured my illustrations, but after creating the color palette I scrapped the original idea completely. Believe it or not, this book was inspired by a Hinge prompt... So thank you, Hinge, for helping create this book! I couldn't be happier with the result.
book project
This assignment required us to create our own company and create all of the branded content to go with it – including social media assets, the application icon, an Instagram page, a poster, an avatar, and a catalog.
I chose to create a cosmetics company because I love all things makeup and skincare. Also being Japanese American, I wanted to incorporate an essence of both cultures into this company (the word "tsuki" meaning "moon" in Japanese.) I wanted the overall brand image to be dreamy, clean, and minimalistic.
One day, it would be nice to turn this company into a reality, but for now it will just be featured in my portfolio.
Although this was one of the smaller-scale projects that I created, this is definitely one of my favorites (not just because it's about BTS.)
When we were assigned with creating an infographic about anything, I took that and ran with it. I am a hardcore BTS fan so I thought it would be fun to create an infographic all about them as a group, their accomplishments, and social media followings.
I love the style of infographics that are dense with information while still being clear and easy to read so the goal was to replicate that style as best I could.
These infographics were made for a marketing class rather than a design class, so these are a lot more text/information-heavy.
This project required doing a lot more research and translating that research into graphs and tables, but I still tried to make it as clean and legible as possible.
For this project, I was asked to create my ideal world. Being an avid Pokemon and Big Hero 6 fan, I pictured my ideal world to have both Baymax and Pokemon!
I wanted this photo to look as if it were taken on an old camera and ripped from an old magazine. The location of this photo is somewhere on the streets of San Fransokyo (a mix of Tokyo and San Francisco and where Big Hero 6 takes place). I tried to really push the fantastical element with the varying horizon lines on top of the fictional characters being present among humans.